
Pes Planus (Flat Feet)

What is Pes Planus?

Pes planus is the medical term for flat feet. There are two different types of flat feet:

  • Flexible flatfoot: Arch is present when standing on toes but disappears when standing with foot on the ground
  • Rigid flatfoot: No arch is present regardless if patient is weight bearing or sitting


Flat feet can be caused by:

  • Genetics, being born with flat feet – children are born with flat feet
  • Tarsal coalition – a condition where the joints bridge or grow together restricting movement of the joint
  • Accessory navicular bone – an extra bone that can cause weakness and support of the medial arch
  • Ligament laxity – Marfan Syndrome
  • Overall health of patient – obesity / diabetes

Signs and Symptoms

  • Patients with natural flat feet rarely complain of pain in the foot

Patients that have flat feet will complain of:

  • Foot fatigue
  • Tired/sore feet from walking around and doing daily activities
  • Ankle pain without a mechanism of injury
  • Residual pain can be felt in the shins, knees, hip and back


Treatments for Pes Planus consist of:

  • Patients may benefit from store bought or customized foot orthotics to wear in ALL shoes. Orthotics are beneficial to maintain proper alignment and decrease the possibility of worsening pain and further complications
  • Patients and athletes are encouraged to wear supportive shoes with appropriate support. Often a case of functionality over fashion. Avoid Nik, Vans, and Converse
All links and resources are provided for general educational purposes only. For specific medical recommendations regarding your child, see a board-certified pediatric orthopedic surgeon.